Friday, May 11, 2012


Batman has also had some of the most successful movies out of any superheros. There have already been two very successful recent movies called Batman Begins and The Dark Knight about the Batman, and the third and final movie in the series called The Dark Knight Rises releases this summer. These movies have done a great job of following the Batman story of the comic books as well as making Batman as realistic as possible. They show the original story of Batman as he first becomes the hero and how he developed along with his villains. Unlike older Batman movies they actually make most of the character's look similar and act similar to how they do in the comics. The third and final movie is sure to be a huge success.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Video Games

This posting is a change from the normal postings to make a point about Batman being the best in a 
certain thing. In my opinion the very best super hero video games are the somewhat recent hits of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. These are both well known Batman video games that are from the perspective of Batman. Both of these games have been majorly successful. In them, the player gets to control Batman as he gets to the bottom a lunatic taking over Arkham Asylum. In both stories the character fights his way through several enemies until his final showdown with the Joker (the stories main villain). In the games, Batman has several different gadgets and abilities that improve as the player gets farther into the story. There has never been a super hero game like these two. Many people have said and I would agree that Batman: Arkham City is the best superhero video game yet.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Green Arrow

Green Arrow is another DC comics superhero who is in the Justice League of America. He is the hero of DC comics who is really good with a bow and arrow. He is similar to Batman because he is also a rich man who doesn't have any super powers. He is just extremely good aim with a bow and arrow. This also makes him worse than batman. The only projectile that batman uses against his enemies is his batarang. Also, Batman is more often involved in close quarters combat than the Green Arrow. The interesting thing about Green Arrow is how he started out as a selfish rich guy who never worked a day in his life, and he ends up fighting for others to help them after he is betrayed by a close friend. Green Arrow is a tough superhero who is powerful and interesting, but Batman has more of an interesting story and is by far the more powerful hero.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Thor is another Marvel hero who is involved with the Avengers. He is an superhero who is practically invincible.Thor is one of the few superheroes who is based off of a god. The explanation for him is that people in the past thought he was a god because of how powerful he was. He is known for both his fury as well as his skill fighting. He is almost too powerful to be interesting. Obviously what Batman can do doesn't compare to Thor's powers, but that is kind of the point of Batman. He is the hero that people can both relate to and look up to. He has amazing skill at both fighting and detective work. Besides this Batman has one of the most interesting back stories of any hero. He could do whatever he wanted, but he decides to risk his life to help those around him. Thor is just a god from Asgard who fights for Asgard and Earth.

Captain America

Captain America is one of the earliest Marvel superheroes. Captain America is the purest and most noble superhero in marvel comics. He is practically the leader of the Avengers because he stands for what is good and right all the time. He was given amazing abilities because of his heart. Captain America became a superhero because of his fighting spirit and decision to never give up. What truly separates Batman from Captain America is that Batman never takes a life. He truly believes that it is wrong to kill. The problem with Captain America is that whether he is doing the right thing is a matter of perspective. He kills just like any other war hero, and there are always war heroes from every side. Batman stops crime happening in the corrupt city of Gotham.Captain America is just another war hero who gained new strength after an experiment. Batman is considered a hero by everyone who is not a criminal.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Hulk

The Hulk is one of the most interesting superheroes that there is. Bruce Banner was exposed to gamma radiation from his invention and it sort of made him a hero. The reason I say sort of is because he only becomes the Hulk when he under extreme emotional stress, and he has limited control over himself as the Hulk. Unlike most heroes, the Hulk has powers that could be thought of as a curse.The Hulk is basically a monster who is also a good guy.Batman is a hero who has complete control over himself. Unlike the Hulk, Batman is never the bad guy, and always is fighting for what is right. Batman and the Hulk do have something major in common. They are both often chased by the police. Batman is chased because he is a vigilante, and the Hulk is chased because of all the destruction he causes. Between the two of them, Batman is more of a hero.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Unlike most superheroes, Wolverine is feared by most of the humans who he protects. He is basically a hero with extremely powerful and natural steroids. His body heals itself extremely quickly. Also, he has a skeleton with three claws on each hand that was fused with an unbreakable metal called adamantium. He is one of the few heroes who is practically invincible. There is no way to penetrate the metal that runs throughout  his body, and his body heals itself so fast that he practically can't get hurt. The strange thing is that he still feels pain. Batman is the same as Wolverine in this way. The thing about Batman is that he is still human. He accomplished amazing things without the help of extreme regeneration, and he is capable of ending crime without ending a life. Wolverine is a stubborn killer who could probably live forever. Batman is a hero who has to face his own mortality. He ages and continuously decides to risk his life to help the lives of those around him. For Wolverine there is no risk involved except for the risk of pain.  

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Green Lantern

Green Lantern is another superhero from DC comics. The original Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, was a fighter pilot for the U.S. Air-force. He became a superhero after he was chosen by the Green Lantern Corps following the death of one of its alien members. Green Lantern is inferior to Batman partially because he is not nearly as helpful. He is in charge of a very large area and can only help with Earth when there is something very big. Batman is able to prevent even small crime and uses detective work to solve Gotham's problems. Another problem with the Green Lantern is he relies completely on the powers of his ring, which needs to be charged regularly. On top of that, he is unable to use fear against his enemies. Batman is able to fight and prevent crime with the fear of his name among the criminals of Gotham. Batman's whole crime fighting career has centered around turning fear against those who use it as a weapon.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Iron Man

Another superhero of recent popularity is Iron Man. Like Batman, Iron Man is completely human with no real super powers. He relies on both his amazing intelligence as well as his amazing Iron Man suit. Iron Man may be a decent superhero, but there are many reasons why he is inferior to Batman.Iron Man has no creative super villains. The super villains are just other smart guys with amazing suits. They are practically Iron Man with bad intentions. The Batman villains are nothing like Batman and are all creatively different. Another problem with Iron Man is that he kills people. Batman manages to stop crime without killing a single villain. Iron Man is a rich jerk who loves the fame he gets as Iron Man. He even revealed his identity as Tony Stark to help his popularity. Batman protects others and does good for the sake of doing good. Iron Man does good to promote his personal image and prove that he is better than everyone else. There is really no comparison between them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Another well known superhero is Spiderman. He is a boy who was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained super powers. One admirable thing about Spiderman is he doesn’t really kill people. He is not very realistic though. Spiderman was bit by a super spider. In reality if someone was bit by a radioactive spider they might get sick or maybe even die. Spiderman also is somewhat inconsistent. For example, in the older Spiderman movies he has his strength and speed as well as these webs that he can shoot out of his wrists. In most Spiderman comics the webs were an invention by Peter Parker that he uses to help with his identity as Spiderman. Batman does not rely at all on super powers and is still surprisingly strong. He fights with his gadgets and martial arts abilities, as well as his intelligence. Spiderman relies on his enhanced senses and strength with his mind as a help. There are many reasons why Spiderman is a great superhero, but many more why Batman is better.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Flash

Another popular superhero from DC comics is the Flash. He is basically the fastest man alive who uses his speed to fight crime. The flash can travel at the same speed as superman, but there is nothing that will take away his speed. He is also one of the few superheroes who can travel fast enough to travel through time. He is however, an unrealistic hero. He is capable of travelling ridiculously fast and has really fast reflexes. His power is beyond anything possible for any human. That is why Batman is the superior hero. He doesn't have any powers. Batman is a man with peak human strength and endurance who is considered the world’s greatest detective. Similarly to Superman, the Flash is not plausible. He doesn't have to put too much effort in to accomplish his goals. Batman and Flash are both amazing superheroes, but in my opinion Batman is the best superhero.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Superman is considered by many to be one of the greatest superheroes, but this doesn't make sense to me. He was sent to earth by his parents to escape his home planet of Krypton and to watch over Earth. He’s an alien with amazing powers that he gets from the yellow sun. Why would anyone think this makes him the best super hero?  Batman was not born with amazing powers. He was born to wealthy parents who died when he was young in a dangerous city. Batman is human. He fights against crime with abilities he worked hard to obtain as well as his inheritance. If I could choose between being either Batman or Superman I would rather be Superman. Batman put in a lot of work to gain his abilities, but Superman always had super powers. The biggest reason why Batman is better than superman is he is more plausible, and it would not be nearly as easy to be Batman as it would to be Superman.