Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Another well known superhero is Spiderman. He is a boy who was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained super powers. One admirable thing about Spiderman is he doesn’t really kill people. He is not very realistic though. Spiderman was bit by a super spider. In reality if someone was bit by a radioactive spider they might get sick or maybe even die. Spiderman also is somewhat inconsistent. For example, in the older Spiderman movies he has his strength and speed as well as these webs that he can shoot out of his wrists. In most Spiderman comics the webs were an invention by Peter Parker that he uses to help with his identity as Spiderman. Batman does not rely at all on super powers and is still surprisingly strong. He fights with his gadgets and martial arts abilities, as well as his intelligence. Spiderman relies on his enhanced senses and strength with his mind as a help. There are many reasons why Spiderman is a great superhero, but many more why Batman is better.

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